Saturday, December 27, 2008

No one called me....

Yup, no one called me to ask what the big news was.

So, if you haven't heard yet. Here you go!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Any family reading this?

Hey.. We've got big news to share. If you call me (or Clif) today, I will tell you. Otherwise you have to wait until tomorrow. This is a test to see if any family member is actually reading this.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yup.. It's been a few weeks.

What can I say, I'm a slacker. I haven't updated since Nov 24th.
Oh well, here you go.

Clif was baptized on 11/30!

Caleb lost his 2 bottom teeth.

Our dog Bo got hit by a car but is doing fine..

Exciting times around here... right? LOL

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gator Games & Knitting!

OK.. That's a weird title for a blog post huh? I thought it may catch your eye.

The boys went to their first Gator game this weekend. They loved it. Rhys fell asleep at the end of the first qtr and stayed asleep until we left near the end of the 3rd qtr.

As for the knitting, well I just wanted to say that I'm getting really close to being obsessed about my new hobby. It is so much fun!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Things I hear from the backseat.....

Yesterday as we were driving home, Clif and I started listening to the boys argue from their carseats in the second row.

Rhys: Quit hitting me!
Caleb: I'm not hitting you, I'm bopping you.
Rhys: I'm going to punch you,
Caleb: Well, I'll give you a knuckle sandwich!
Rhys: I'll give you a Ham sandwich!

Clif and I were about to die from laughing so hard!

By the way, if you are curious about my previous post and you don't know why yesterday was so awesome, call me or email me. I'll be happy to share!
: )

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I just want to say that it has been an absolutely wonderful day here!!!!

Seriously...... Best Day ever!

OK, That's all I have to say about that right now.

: - )

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Lots of costumes!

All 3 children with Pastor Ralph and his crazy hat!

Momma's sad little Lion
Fireman to the rescue!
Rockstar Diva!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Caleb's First Progress Report!

His first progress report from school.
Here's a few excerpts from it.
Letter Naming Fluency: Caleb was given a page with letters and asked to name each one. This measure helps tell us if Caleb is likely to struggle or be a successful reader in the future. Caleb's score of 51 correct letters named in 1 minute is well above the score of 8 that is expected at this time of year.

Initial Sound Fluency: Caleb was shown a page of pictures and told the name of each picture. ( Examples: dog, bicycle, house, tree). Caleb was asked to point or name the picture that begins with a certain sound. He was also asked to tell the beginning sound in a number of words. For example, we might ask Caleb to say the first sound in the word " fan." This test tells us if Caleb is aware of the different sounds in words. This is called phonemic awareness. Caleb's score of 23 initial sounds in a minute is well above the score of 8 that is expected at this time of year.

Woo Hoo!!! Go Caleb!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Perfect Attendance!

Caleb's first school award! Kindergarten doesn't have grade awards yet so he received the perfect attendance award. Woo Hoo!! Congratulations Big Boy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life with 2 dogs.....

Just be glad you can't hear it too...... LOL

Don't worry.. No puppies were harmed in the filming of this. LOL

Brotherly Love and a small injury....

OK y'all have got to see this. I had started off taping the boys because I was so impressed with how sweet they were being. Rhys was trying to ride Caleb's old bike and Caleb was "helping" him. Super sweet stuff... really!! Caleb is going to make a great Daddy one day!

You know that old saying, It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt..... and then it's hilarious. Well, that may not exactly be true.

Take a look for yourself.

Rhys is fine and sporting 2 very cool band-aids now so he's a happy camper.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Silly Sock Day!

Caleb has silly sock day tomorrow so of course we were creating silly socks at 8:30 the night before. I try to teach procrastinating early.. LOL

The boys had a blast with this! I decorated one sock and both boys shared the other. They didn't argue once! As if that wasn't enough... they even helped each other! These boys are so much fun!!!

Yay for Silly Sock Day!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weekend Plans...

Out of town this weekend on a church retreat. The boys ( Dh & both boys) will have to fend for themselves! LOL

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lake Pictures!

My kids are so cool! No really.... I can't get over how much I love them!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I was tagged!

Becca tagged me, so here you go.......
Here are the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged me.
2) Mention the rules.
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself.
4) Tag other blogger´s by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.

So now for my quirky, unspectacular details.
1) My second toe is NOT longer than my big toe.
2) I secretly feel superior to anyone that has a longer second toe. (LOL)
3) I can't get rid of any book I've read, even ones I didn't like. This has led to more storage boxes than I can count sitting in our shed.
4) Clif once counted how many pairs of black shoes I had while I was at work.
5) The sweetest thing my husband ever did for me only cost him $0.50.
6) I love to eat banana pudding right after it comes out of the oven. It doesn't taste anywhere near as good cold.

I'm trying to tag CMF sisters that haven't been tagged before. If you're a repeat tagger... oops, sorry but you still have to do it. LOL

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Caleb starts Kindergarten!

My baby started Kindergarten today. He loves his new teacher and had a blast. In fact, he didn't even give me a hug this morning when I dropped him off. They sent home the words he has to learn to read during the first nine weeks and he already knows them. Uh-oh! LOL

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Happy Early Birthday to me!!

My Mom threw a surprise party for me this weekend. She told me that my Brother & Sister In Law would be there and then mentioned picking up my Grandmother as well.... I still didn't catch on. Maybe it's the Blonde hair..Maybe it's old age setting in! LOL I have to say my Sis in Law Brittany has the cutest Baby bump ever!! Seriously! I keep telling her it has to be a girl because there are too many boys in the family.

Here's some pictures from today.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some Recent Pictures..

We call this "Oh Oh Catzilla!"

Paige at Little Gym.

Everyone Jump on Daddy!!

Rhys inspecting the race car! LOL

Paige at the Hannah Montana movie.