Woo Hoo!!
Miss Paige had straight A's and Perfect Attendance!
Miss Paige had straight A's and Perfect Attendance!
Letter Naming Fluency: Caleb was given a page with letters and asked to name each one. This measure helps tell us if Caleb is likely to struggle or be a successful reader in the future. Caleb's score of 51 correct letters named in 1 minute is well above the score of 8 that is expected at this time of year.
Initial Sound Fluency: Caleb was shown a page of pictures and told the name of each picture. ( Examples: dog, bicycle, house, tree). Caleb was asked to point or name the picture that begins with a certain sound. He was also asked to tell the beginning sound in a number of words. For example, we might ask Caleb to say the first sound in the word " fan." This test tells us if Caleb is aware of the different sounds in words. This is called phonemic awareness. Caleb's score of 23 initial sounds in a minute is well above the score of 8 that is expected at this time of year.