Monday, November 24, 2008

Gator Games & Knitting!

OK.. That's a weird title for a blog post huh? I thought it may catch your eye.

The boys went to their first Gator game this weekend. They loved it. Rhys fell asleep at the end of the first qtr and stayed asleep until we left near the end of the 3rd qtr.

As for the knitting, well I just wanted to say that I'm getting really close to being obsessed about my new hobby. It is so much fun!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Things I hear from the backseat.....

Yesterday as we were driving home, Clif and I started listening to the boys argue from their carseats in the second row.

Rhys: Quit hitting me!
Caleb: I'm not hitting you, I'm bopping you.
Rhys: I'm going to punch you,
Caleb: Well, I'll give you a knuckle sandwich!
Rhys: I'll give you a Ham sandwich!

Clif and I were about to die from laughing so hard!

By the way, if you are curious about my previous post and you don't know why yesterday was so awesome, call me or email me. I'll be happy to share!
: )

Sunday, November 09, 2008


I just want to say that it has been an absolutely wonderful day here!!!!

Seriously...... Best Day ever!

OK, That's all I have to say about that right now.

: - )

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Lots of costumes!

All 3 children with Pastor Ralph and his crazy hat!

Momma's sad little Lion
Fireman to the rescue!
Rockstar Diva!