Thursday, October 01, 2009

Not Me Monday...umm Thursday?

It was certainly not me that waited until Thursday night to post her first Not Me Monday. Absolutely not.

It was not me that was late to her 1st grader's first Family Day.

It was also not me that forgot to put on any makeup until I was signed into the school and walking to the room. I don't know who that person was that was frantically trying to run while appearing to walk, wear a baby and successfully put on mascara at the same time.
It was not me that actually ate a school lunch again after 10 years. I definitely did not stand in line with a bunch of 6 year olds waiting to give the cafeteria lady my $1.25. Even if it had been me, it would not have been me that couldn't figure out how to use her spork to eat the green beans.

I don't know who that person could be......


melanie said...

It is not me who is wondering what the stuff in the bottom corner of the lunch tray is. ;)

Oh - and I'd *never* show up somewhere and realize that I had forgotten to put on makeup ... or brush my teeth ...

Meghan said...

I'm with Mel and am curious as to what it is as well :)

*hug* and saying I miss ya and love ya girl!
